US-Built Gaza Floating Pier Sinks

May 28, 2024 11:59 am | News, Ticker, Virtual Jerusalem

The United States, seeking to bypass Israel, sunk $320 million into building the pier for Gaza. But stormy weather this weekend caused the pier to sink below the surf and also caused four naval ships to go aground. More Israeli weather control?

The United States built the high tech floating pier as a slap in Israel’s face, protesting alleged Israeli failure to deliver the goods on its humanitarian commitments. So the Biden Administration invested a third of a billion bucks in this mega-project, rushing to complete it and reportedly delivering a few truckloads. Oh well.

Then the weather changed. Stormy seas caused the pier to loosen from its mooring, and the US naval ships that had helped hold the pier in place were driven to the beach. Some seamen were apparently forced aground in southern Israel. Boots on the sand.


  1. RDMO

    And who said G d has no sense of Irony???

  2. Frederic Rheingold

    I hope this is an omen for Biden’s campaign.

  3. Patricia

    G-d is good to His people. Obiden is being given his well-deserved “reward” for treason.

  4. yitzchak meyerowitz

    American Arabs still hate Biden despite his continued appeasement, and acquiescence to all their demands. They just concluded a convention in Dearborn where they vowed to destory Biden, even if a good and true friend of the Jewish people and Israel, Donald Trump, is elected president. Their stated goal is to over take the ruble of the Democratic party. Jewish Democrats take cover, they hate you. We’ll see how they will miss Biden, Blinken and Austin during the next Trump admonistration!

  5. Frick

    This administration has got to be the BIGGEST money and time wasters! What an imbecile he is! Joe!!!

  6. sabasarge

    The only negative here is if it put any U.S. boots on the ground, otherwise it’s just another sign that HaShem has a (productive) sense of humor.


  1. US-Built Gaza Floating Pier Sinks | Israel NOWlej - […] sink below the surf and also caused four naval ships to go aground. More Israeli weather control? | Read…