Category: Frum

Petirah of Reb Dovid Schmuckler Z”L

We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Reb Dovid Schmuckler Z”L. The Levaya is scheduled to take place Friday morning at 10:30, at the Chapel in Lakewood, 613 Ramsey Avenue. Kevurah in Lakewood. Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.|Read...

Chernobyler Rebbe to Spend Uplifted Shabbos in Lakewood

Chernobyler Rebbe to Spend Uplifted Shabbos in Lakewood  YS GOLD  It was recently announced that the Chernobyler Rebbe—who does not generally travel around to other communities—will spend an uplifted Shabbos among the burgeoning...
