Category: 5TJT

Foreign Policy Fantasy

[[{“value”:” By Larry Gordon Three young women are finally free. This is a good start after 15 months of imprisonment somewhere in Gaza. Next week, another few hostages will hopefully be released under this...

Mensch On A Mission

[[{“value”:” By Congressman Anthony D’Esposito A new year brings with it new challenges, new opportunities, and a renewed sense of hope for the future. At noon on January 20, I had the honor to attend the 60th...

The Unpublished Songs

[[{“value”:”   By Yochanan Gordon The following is written partly in jest. I say this because it could be seen as somewhat posturing or presumptuous to write about myself in these terms. However, the crux of...

The Sunshine (less) State

[[{“value”:” By Malkie Gordon Hirsch Magence Once upon a time, I remember when telling friends you were going to Florida for winter break, it was considered a top destination. I may be dating myself, but I...

Trump At 35,000 Feet

[[{“value”:” Trump At 35,000 Feet My original plan was to attend the historic inauguration of President Donald Trump. Like so many others, it was a moment that I wanted to experience. Early on, I received an...

President Trump’s Inaugural Address

[[{“value”:” The golden age of America begins right now. From this day forward, our country will flourish and be respected again all over the world. We will be the envy of every nation, and we will not allow...

Beyond Words: A HASC 38 Retrospective

[[{“value”:”       By Yochanan Gordon In last week’s column, “The Antidote to Exiled Speech,” I had decided to write about the absence of words as it relates to the Egyptian Exile, which has been defined as an...

What The Families Of The Hostages Need Now

[[{“value”:” By Sivan Rahav Meir   Return of the hostages on Sunday We are in the midst of an extremely tense and turbulent time with the drawn-out return of the hostages. I think it’s important to pay...

Inauguration And Extortion, Pageantry And Pain

[[{“value”:” By Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Why are we so captivated by a presidential inauguration? In 1797, after John Adams was inaugurated as second president of the United States, succeeding George Washington, he...

New Buyers With Allergies

[[{“value”:” Allergies may not be the first point typically considered when the subject of real estate comes up, but for some buyers who suffer from serious allergic reactions to a variety of objects, checking...

News From The Hills

[[{“value”:” Baruch Hashem, the first hostages are back in Israel. Their nightmare has ended, and I hope their recovery will be easy. I was horrified when I watched videos of the women being escorted by the Red...

Musings Of A Shliach From Montana

[[{“value”:”     Musings Of A Shliach From Montana When we landed in Bozeman to start our shlichus on the 23rd of Adar, 5767 (March 13, 2007), it was close to midnight on a freezing Tuesday night, and there was...

Post Title

[[{“value”:”  Question I am trying to help my nephew find a shidduch, but he is getting rejected because he has mild cerebral palsy. Shadchanim think that all he deserves is a girl with worse issues than he...

Measure For Measure

[[{“value”:” Measure For Measure By Rabbanit Sally Mayer This week’s parashah introduces the ten plagues, unleashing pain and devastation upon the Egyptians as Pharaoh stubbornly refuses to release his Jewish...

The Great Unknown

[[{“value”:” The six weeks in January during which we read the Torah portions recounting our slavery and redemption from Egypt are known as the period of Shovavim. This name is an acronym from the initial...

Post Title

[[{“value”:” Book Review: The Depths of Torah Thought: How We Must Respond to the Tragedy Facing Our Nation By Rabbi Mendy Feder, $21.95 Review by Rabbi Uri Pilichowski It is rare to find Torah scholars that...

He Said/She Said

[[{“value”:” DISCLAIMER: The following column is a composite of several different experiences I have had with clients. It does not depict a specific encounter. This story is not about you! There is much to be...

Don’t Get A Head Of Yourself

[[{“value”:” If there’s one thing we can all agree on, is that’s we’re in severe need of good news these days. Unfortunately, we can’t even all agree on what would be considered good news. Science to the...

Lice Ain’t Nice

[[{“value”:” By Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein The third of the Ten Plagues with which Hashem afflicted the Egyptians is known as the Plague of Lice. The Hebrew word for “lice” is kinnim, a term that appears at least...

Living With The Times

[[{“value”:” Two Jews in a train station were waiting on the platform for their scheduled journey. A maskil stood reading the daily newspaper, while his fellow traveler, a chasidishe Yid, was engrossed in a...
