The Washington Post reports that the Biden is holding essential intelligence on terror tunnels and the location of Hamas leadership but is withholding the information from Israel unless it agrees to call off its Rafah operation. With allies like this, who needs enemies?
It appears now that the Biden Administration is working actively against Israel’s interest, holding back critical intelligence data that could save soldiers and hostage lives. In a bombshell report, the Washington Post reports that the Administration has proposed to disclose vital information about the location of tunnels and terror leaders but only if the Jewish State kowtows to the diktat of the Obiden cabal now operating Mideast policy out of the White House, led by a cadre of radical Islamic anti-Israel recruits from the Obama schools of third world social disruption.
According to the Post, “the Biden administration, working urgently to stave off a full-scale Israeli invasion of Rafah, is offering Israel valuable assistance if it holds back, including sensitive intelligence to help the Israeli military pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders and find the group’s hidden tunnels, according to four people familiar with the U.S. offers.”
The implication is that the Administration has had this intel — for how long is unclear — but for reasons unknown have not shared it with Israel. Meanwhile, IDF troops have been suffering a sharp increase in casualties as they re-enter areas of Gaza from which they were pressured to withdraw, or pushing into the outskirts of Rafah. And the hostages, including five living Americans, continue to suffer for now more than seven months in Hamas captivity.
What is it?
Is it senseless blindness?
Is it being pretentious to try to see, or understand “what it’s as clear as a sunny day”?
Is it fear to tell or call for “what it is” from commentators or newsmen from Fox News, Newsmax and even real conservatives TV stations?
They all keep on asking, why is Biden doing this or that?
Okay, let’s try to understand, if there is a known criminal who raped and kill your best friend and your sister, however, he said that he loved them and that he’s protecting them, but, all he’s doing is the opposite, over and over again, he even raped your brother’s six year old boy, and all you said is “why is he doing it?” as he’s not supposed to do it because he told everyone that they are his friend!
“It’s ironclad the support or commitment to Israel”!
Said secretary of state Anthony Blinken as the voice, or one of the voices of this Biden’s administration.
It’s laughable how people accept those words ignoring the actions which have always been the opposite from this administration and the one previous to the Trump administration.
Biden as vice-president (under the tutelage and vision of Obama) now as president (as a puppet who follows orders blindly) has always been against Israel and in favor of the terrorists.
It’s not just betrayal against Israel, it’s treason against this country!
Don’t people see that since the first day of the war initiated by Hamas and Palestinian terrorists with the help from Iran, the Biden administration has given hundreds of thousands initially, then, billions of dollars to the terrorists in Gaza and their friend, Iran and “ZERO” for Israel!
The reaction from Biden to the massacre of Jews by terrorists on Oct. 7 supporting Israel were “just words” for political purposes, as they have been doing (not just Biden) for a long time!
When Obama was president he was always pretending or lying as he knew that their “propaganda tool” (all the media) would back him up, no matter how big the lies were!
He sided with the worst islamic terrorists in the region and started a war illegally that killed our best ally against them at that time, Muammar Gaddafi.
Many stupid republicans support that war and killing because he was a well known dictator and enemy of this country previous to the war in Iraq, it was an usual reaction of total ignorance from those republicans who supported Obama of the reality of what was really happening at that time.
He declared himself a christian, however, it was obvious he was really a muslim or (at his heart) as he always attacked christians, however, defended or sided with the islamic terrorists in every action or reaction he had as president.
The enemies of this country (the Biden administration) acted with premeditation when they left 80 billion of top military equipment to the terrorists, abandoned hundreds of American citizens and betrayed the Afghanistan fighters who fought along us and were our friends fighting terrorism!
Biden committed treason and betrayal against this country with all his actions, from the supporting of Iran and terrorism as well as the open borders policies which are premeditated acts for the destruction of this country!
Every conservative, republican and “real democrats” (if there is any left) should fight against those marxists who are using a puppet president for the destruction of this country!
Stop asking “why” is he doing this or that, and tell or fight for the truth!
Héctor Bayate
This seems to me to be fake news, it doesn’t smell right. How does America know things about Hamas that Israel doesn’t know?
We don’t. The Israelis are way better than the US in gathering intel in the Middle East and worldwide
America betrayed the UK over the atomic bomb, America betrayed the UK over Suez, and more recent over Afghanistan. Now they are doing the same to Israel. Why should the UK or Europe trust America again?
Also, the current US leadership deliberately omits the 1922 ‘League of Nations’ Decision on the idea for the ‘Two-State solution, which living Side by Side in PEACE’
For details you can access these two points below:
1 – Mandate for Palestine – League of Nations
C. 529. M. 314. 1922. VI.
At a first reading, the essence of this agreement can be found in the preamble, as well as in the final part:
e – And now, please see the Maps which would have AVOIDED many wars, including the current one:
‘Reply’ Online Book Chapter 2 (
Of course, everyone can understand what he wants…!
We see the hand of Obama in so much of what Biden does, they are not true friends of Israel, its only pressure from the vast amount of the American public, that Biden does not cut off all aid to Israel, hopefully their day will come to an end soon. The so misguided and brainwashed youth in the Universities is surely not the true voice of America, and hope its people will continue to support its greatest friend Israel
I completely agree with your comments here. I find that Biden’s behavior is treasonous but as you have mentioned, I also believe that Obama is behind so much of this anti-Israeli behavior.
NO, you don’t; you see the SAME PTB that RAN Obama’s office as are running “Biden’s” now, nothing more! O was an “empty suit”, mouth only! He never led a trip to the head, much less a nation, in his life!
The fact that this is coming from the WaPo, is surprising, in that they have been solid left for DECADES! If even they are now betraying the left agenda in this way, the left agenda is falling apart! ” Biden’s” issue is that he can’t “run” Netanyahu, so he’s mad at him, and taking it out on all Israel, as well as the Gazans he claims to want to protect, whose ONLY real hope is to be shed of MB rulers! That’s Israel’s goal too, so why else would “Biden” fight it Save childish petulence?