Crackdown on Incitement Against Netanyahu Now

Jul 15, 2024 12:35 pm | Ticker, Views, Virtual Jerusalem, VJ Views

Urgent Action is Needed to Rein in Verbal and Physical Violence Directed at the Prime Minister and His Family and Punish Perpetrators

The recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump underscores the critical need to address escalating verbal incitement and physical protests targeting political leaders. Israel must heed this warning and enforce stricter measures to curb the vitriol directed at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In democracies, freedom of speech is a cornerstone, but it is not an unchecked right. When rhetoric escalates to incitement and incitement spills into violence, society’s foundational pillars are threatened. Netanyahu, a polarizing figure, faces relentless verbal attacks and increasingly aggressive protests. This toxic environment poses a genuine risk to his safety and undermines the nation’s stability.

The attempted assassination of Trump should serve as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of unchecked hatred. Just as the United States must address this internal threat, Israel must act decisively. Political disagreements are natural, but they must not devolve into personal attacks that endanger lives.

Recently, Netanyahu has been subjected to extremely vile rhetoric. In a shocking display, a family member of a hostage called for Netanyahu to “hang from a hangman’s noose.” He and his family have been labeled “Satanic,” fueling an already heated atmosphere. Protesters have even resorted to setting fires around his home and office, actions that teeter on the edge of terrorism.

It is imperative for Israeli authorities to tighten laws against incitement and enforce them rigorously. Social media platforms, public speeches, and protests must be monitored and regulated to prevent escalation into violence. Public figures who cross the line from criticism to incitement should face legal repercussions.

Moreover, security measures around Netanyahu and other key figures must be heightened. The state has a duty to protect its leaders from potential harm. This is not about silencing dissent; it is about ensuring that dissent remains within the bounds of civility and legality.

Learning from the Trump incident, Israel can take proactive steps to prevent a similar crisis. We must foster a political climate where robust debate thrives without endangering lives. Ensuring Netanyahu’s safety is not just about protecting one man; it’s about safeguarding the principles of democracy and the rule of law in Israel.


  1. Sandra L SMITH

    The same people after Trump are also after Netanyahu and have been for yrs, because both, while human and “imperfect” do patently CARE about their peoples, and are doing the best they can see, in their own wisdom, to do for their best good! The “armchair quarterbacks” who have the benefit of hindsight, and the haters will continue to attack but have no better plans, in fact! Indeed, they seek to drag us all into their disastrous NWO/1 world gov’t!

  2. Sandra L SMITH

    Satan’s children cannot tolerate those who resist his agenda.

  3. Istv

    Praying for Bibi for Above protection.
    Evil ( outside and inside …) is increasing at fearful culminations.

  4. Helmut DAJENG

    Es ist schade, dass eine zunehmende Verdummung durch IT – Technologie, nicht nur zur Ermangelung an Sprachschatz, sondern auch zu Aggressionen führt. Diese Verdummung führt auch zu Missbrauch demokratischer Strukturen. Die Ausbrūche der Aggressionen sind letztendlich das Produkt von Aussichtslosigkeit. Dass das demokratische Recht vom Volk ausgeht, stimmt nur noch insoweit, dass einmal in der Legislaturperiode gewählt werden darf. Dann aber machen die gewählten Machthaber, was ihre Parteien fordern. Es sind nicht die Personen, die Unrecht begehen wollen, sondern die geistigen Mächte der unterirdischen Sphären. Sie hetzen die Menschen gegeneinander auf. Es war und ist Endzeit. Shalom für Israel und allen seinen Nachbarn🇮🇱🕎✝️