After initial denials, the Biden administration has admitted delaying shipments of Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) arms to Israel. Reports suggest the delay comes at a time when accurate weaponry is pivotal in minimizing civilian casualties, raising eyebrows over the administration’s commitment to its stated goal of reducing civilian harm.
The JDAM, a precision-guided munition kit, is designed to enhance the accuracy of conventional bombs, ensuring they hit their targets with precision. This technology is vital in minimizing collateral damage and civilian casualties.
However, the decision to halt JDAM shipments to Israel has sparked criticism from various quarters. Critics argue that withholding such crucial weaponry not only undermines Israel’s ability to defend itself effectively but also jeopardizes the lives of innocent civilians by potentially prolonging the conflict. Administration officials said the slowdown was intended to deter a broad Israeli move into Rafah. The Administration has not openly disapproved this week’s IDF seizure of the key Rafah border crossing.
Israeli officials have expressed disappointment and concern over the delay, emphasizing the urgency of the situation and the importance of maintaining a strong defense capability. The move comes at a time when Israel is facing escalated tensions and threats from multiple fronts, making access to advanced weaponry all the more critical.
The decision also raises questions about the Biden administration’s approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its broader Middle East policy. Some view it as a strategic move aimed at exerting pressure on Israel to de-escalate hostilities and pursue a ceasefire, while others see it as a signal of wavering support for a longtime ally due to Biden’s desire to create “daylight” with Israel to attract the support of his progressive base and also to appease lef-wing donors, open hostile to Israel.
0Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has condemned the delay, describing it as a betrayal of trust between the two nations. Netanyahu emphasized Israel’s right to defend itself against ongoing rocket attacks from Hamas and other militant groups, underscoring the importance of uninterrupted military assistance from the United States.
But IDF Spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari downplayed the arms hold-up and said that the matter was being resolved “behind closed doors.” He praised the level of cooperation with the US Central Command (CENTCOM), saying “there is something more important than security assistance and that is operational support.”
Congressional supporters of Israel from both sides of the aisle are up in arms over the arms delay, especially since Congress had just passed a massive emergency aid request, signed by Biden himself.
The delay in JDAM shipments comes amid growing international calls for a ceasefire and efforts to broker a diplomatic resolution to the conflict. While the Biden administration has voiced support for a ceasefire and diplomatic efforts, its decision to withhold critical military aid adds a layer of complexity to the situation.
In Washington, lawmakers from both sides of the aisle have voiced concern over the delay, calling for a swift resolution to ensure Israel’s security needs are met. Some have accused the administration of playing politics with national security, while others have urged a more nuanced approach that balances support for Israel with efforts to address humanitarian concerns.
“When a man shoves his gun in your face and declares he wants to kill you, discussing his morals and motives might not be the more prudent course of action. It would seem to me that you have two alternatives, run like hell and hope he misses, or shoot the bastard before he can shoot you.”
Colten Irons
When will Jews stop voting Democrat reflexively and stop being the only defined group that votes against their own self interests?