Schumer’s Betrayal Calls for Sanctions Against Rats Like Him

Mar 14, 2024 4:44 pm | Ticker, Virtual Jerusalem

Time for Jews to stick a fork in an obese monstrosity of a Jews in Name Only who dares call to oust Netanyahu. Instead of waiting till 2028 to unseat him, kick his corpulent tuchus out of synagogues, restaurants, Jewish organizations and anything connected to Israel. Same goes for Bernie Sanders and Adam Schiff.

In an astonishing turn of events, US Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer has crossed a line from being a pro-Israel advocate to a proponent of rank and gross interference in Israel’s sovereignty. Schumer’s outrageous call for snap elections in the democracy of an ally, citing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s supposed “unfitness”, represents not just an unprecedented intrusion into Israeli politics but also a staggering departure from the values he once purported to uphold. It’s simply disgusting.

This gassy, fat, entitled ass has he chutzpah, from the comfort of the US, to go against the overwhelming majority of Israelis in demanding Israel bare its throat for a Palestinian state that will have one purpose only: to destroy Israel. Netanyahu has lost his way? These Senators, except possibly Sanders, can’t even reach to wipe their own assholes. They dare tell Israelis, risking and paying with their lives to defend their people and their country, to hand over the high ground to the next wave of invaders and rapists.

Schumer’s assertions, equating the democratically elected government of Israel with “extremists,” betray a fundamental misunderstanding of Israel’s complex political landscape. His remarks on the Senate floor, urging for a regime change under the guise of promoting democracy, is not only inappropriate but also deeply offensive to the Israeli populace and its right to self-determination. But it’s time these prominent Jews hear the fury of Israel supporters on their home turf and also feel the wrath of Israel itself.

Further compounding this affront, Schumer’s alignment with the State Department’s recent actions—sanctioning Israelis living in Judea and Samaria for alleged actions—smacks of a double standard. While quick to criticize and impose sanctions on Israeli citizens, Schumer turns a blind eye to the rampant incitement and terrorism funded and supported by Palestinian leadership and by his own anti-Israel supporters and colleagues in the DemocRat party.

This selective outrage and imposition of sanctions against Israel’s heartland residents are not merely policy disagreements but an alarming trend of alienating Israel, America’s steadfast ally. The implications of the stances of Schiff, Sanders and Schumer suggest a readiness to leverage US military air to dictate Israeli policies, grossly oversteps their mandatess. They undermine the bedrock of mutual respect and understanding that has long characterized US-Israel relations.

The audacity of Schumer’s position is further underscored by his willingness to lump together Prime Minister Netanyahu with terrorist entities like Hamas. Such comparisons are not only false but dangerously misleading, equating the legitimate actions of a democratic state defending its citizens with the terroristic endeavors of Hamas. Sanders, Schiff and Schumer should be henceforth personas non grata not just in Israel but in Jewish institutions and organizations.

Schumer’s cavilling serve only to embolden Israel’s adversaries, undermine the prospects for peace, and erode the foundational principles of democracy and sovereignty. The calls for elections and regime change, coupled with unilateral sanctions, reveal a troubling disregard for Israel’s autonomy and the complexities of Middle Eastern geopolitics.

As such, the response from Israel and its supporters should be clear and unequivocal. It is not just about putting “overstuffed corrupt laggards” like Schumer “out to pasture.” It is about taking a principled stand against those who, under the guise of friendship and concern, seek to undermine Israel’s security and sovereignty. The notion of drafting a list of persona non grata among US Congress members, starting with Schumer and including members of the “squad,” signals a necessary, if regrettable, step in safeguarding Israel’s national interests.

Labeling them as “KAPOS,” a term loaded with historical significance, underscores the depth of betrayal felt by many. This term, evocative of Jews who, during the Holocaust, betrayed their own to survive, is a powerful indictment of what many see as Schumer’s and his allies’ betrayal of Jewish values and Israel’s right to self-determination. For the betrayers, those that turn in their own, there should be no forgiveness.

Schumer’s call for regime change and sanctions against Israelis is not just an overreach; it’s a wake-up call. It’s a reminder of the need for vigilance and resolve in the face of attempts to undermine Israel’s security and democratic processes. The time has indeed come for Jews to reevaluate alliances and strategies, ensuring that Israel’s sovereignty and the will of its people are respected and protected. And that betrayers should pay a heavy price.

The Heating Up the Water Around the Frog in the Pot

The current trickle of sanctions, ostensibly targeted at Israelis living in Judea and Samaria, is not merely a localized issue but a foreboding sign of broader implications.

It’s akin to heating up the water in the pot surrounding Israel, setting a dangerous precedent that could extend these punitive measures to encompass all settlers and, indeed, any Israeli who finds themselves at odds with the positions of Jews In Name Only (JINOs) like Schumer.

This burgeoning tactic of using sanctions as a political weapon threatens to ostracize and penalize a significant segment of the Israeli population for their beliefs and where they choose to live. Such actions not only deepen divisions but also betray a fundamental disregard for the principles of freedom and self-determination. They herald a slippery slope, where dissent from a particular political or ideological line could subject individuals to international censure and isolation, eroding the very fabric of democratic society and collective security.

The point now is that the only way to stop it is by fighting back personally and calling out turncoat Jews like Schumer, Sanders and Schiff is to single them out for personal sanctions, not just by Israel but by synagogues and Jewish organization who retain some self-respect. The turncoat Jews need to pay a price for their betrayal. They should no longer be welcomed in Israel, especially by Netanyahu’s rival. Lapid, Gantz and others must be very clear about this. And if not, they should be treated in kind.

The unfolding scenario necessitates not merely a passive response but a proactive, assertive stance against those who betray the core values and interests of the Jewish people. The case of Senator Schumer and his ilk demands a specific and personalized form of pushback. It’s imperative to call out such Kapos, spotlighting their actions and rhetoric that strays far from the solidarity and support Israel requires, especially from those within the Jewish community itself.

This fight back entails imposing personal sanctions against them, not solely at the level of state policy by Israel but extending deeply into the fabric of Jewish life—synagogues, organizations, and communities that still uphold a semblance of self-respect and commitment to collective Jewish welfare. These entities must lead the charge, demonstrating that betrayal of Jewish solidarity and the security of Israel comes with tangible consequences.

Judaism, with its rich tapestry of wisdom and ethical guidance, has long held a stern view against shtinkers (Yiddish for someone who behaves reprehensibly) and turncoats who betray their kin to outsiders. This betrayal is not just frowned upon; it’s considered one of the most egregious sins, disrupting the unity and safety of the community. The historical and spiritual weight of this principle underscores the seriousness of actions like Schumer’s, which are perceived not merely as political disagreements but as profound betrayals of the Jewish people and their homeland.

It’s not about vengeance but accountability and the restoration of integrity within the Jewish community and its relationship with Israel. By singling out those who act against the interests and security of the Jewish state and people, by implementing personal sanctions through community ostracization, financial disincentives, or public denunciation, the message is sent loud and clear: Betrayal of your people and their existential struggle is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

This punishment and banning of schtinkers is about safeguarding the Jewish community’s values, security, and future. Those who hold Judaism and the welfare of Israel close to their hearts need to stand firm against any who would compromise these for political expediency or personal gain. This is the only way to reinforce the bonds of solidarity, respect, and mutual support that have long been the cornerstone of Jewish resilience and identity.



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