Despite the attempts of Hamas and its PR flaks to show a humanitarian face to the terror group, and to portray Palestinian civilians as victims, the truth is coming out as the returned captives tell their harrowing stories. It is becoming clear that the local residents were part and parcel of the brutalizing, beating and torture by the Palestinians of other kids.
At first it was just hints, as elderly returnees swatted away the hands of Hamas handlers “helping them” from jeeps and ambulances, or Israeli teenagers dismissing with disgust attempts to induce them to wave as if bidding farewell to a kind host.
But now the horror stories are being reported of torture, mental and physical, to which Israelis were subjected. Eitan Yahalomi, 12, was according to his aunt, in an interview to French television, subjected to unending blows from Palestinian civilians as he was snatched and taken on a motorbike to Gaza captivity. That was just the beginning. Eitan was forced to watch, again and again, films of his neighbors being slaughtered and dismembered on October 7. He was threatened at gunpoint if he cried or made sounds.
Other children were kept in total isolation for 12 or 13 days. They were covered with lice and received no treatment. They contracted diarrhea and were not allowed to clean themselves for seven weeks. Some were not allowed showers for the entire period of their captivity. They had to wait typically 90 minutes before being allowed to use a toilet, often a hole in the floor or wall.
Mothers were separated from their children and told their daughters were gone. Despite assurances that mothers would not be separated from children, Raia was just taken away just before her daughter was released.

Thomas Hand, father of 9-year-old Emily, says the little girl thought she had been held hostage for a year and now cries herself to sleep. “The most shocking, disturbing part of meeting her was she was just whispering, you couldn’t hear her. I had to put my ear on her lips. She’d been conditioned not to make any noise.”
“Last night she cried until her face was red and blotchy, she couldn’t stop. She didn’t want any comfort, I guess she’s forgotten how to be comforted. She went under the covers of the bed, the quilt, covered herself up and quietly cried.” When she met her older sister, she was unable to show emotion.
Meanwhile, Israel is up in arms at the refusal of Hamas to deliver as promised the red-haired Bibas children, Ofir 4 years and Kfir 10 months old, and their mother Shiri. Hamas reported that these hostages had been handed over to other Palestinians and that they could not located them.

There is also the case of 84 year old Alma Avraham, returned to Israel in near-death condition, with a very weak pulse and body temperature of just 28 degrees Celsius (82.4 F), denied essential medication, and refused visits by the Red Cross, which apparently is unwilling to demand basic humanitarian rights to Israelis. They even refused to pass on essential medications to the prisoners. Today there is reported to be slight improvement in Alma’s condition, although her life remains in danger.