Israel at War after Surprise Hamas Attack: Dozens dead

Oct 7, 2023 4:24 pm | Ticker, Virtual Jerusalem

Israel is still reeling after Hamas forces infiltrated Israel in the wee hours of a holiday morning, launching ground attacks on military bases and Israeli communities near Gaza. Thousands of rockets were fired. There are reports of mass killings and kidnappings. Israeli PM declared that Israel was at war and the IDF called up tens of thousands of reserves.

As of 3:15 pm, there were 40 confirmed deaths and more than 700 wounded, many of them critically. Hamas forces continue to occupy Israeli communities and military bases. The air force was forced to fire on the Israeli side of the Erez crossing, where fierce firefights have gone on in the afternoon between the IDF and Hamas. A video shows what appears to be an injured female captured and being showcased in a jeep filled with terrorists. There are confirmed reports of Israelis kidnapped or held hostage by Hamas infiltrators.