Anthony Blinken, nominally a Jew, should know the meaning of chutzpah. Joe Biden, who can’t even remember the name Hamas at this stage of his descent into dementia, is a non-playing character, a puppet on a string. Neither has the moral authority to lecture Israel.
So when Blinken comes to Jerusalem and sanctimoniously tells Israel that the October 7 onslaught and massacres “cannot be a license to dehumanize others,” with all due respect and gratitude for American support till now, he crosses a red line.
Blinken went on to say: “The overwhelming majority of people in Gaza had nothing to do with the attacks of October 7th.” The facts and the videos tell us otherwise. The wild cheering and celebrations in the streets, the handing out of candies, the general merriment as raped and murdered Israelis were paraded around in stolen cards brought back to Gaza, the Palestinian surveys showing overwhelming support for
That is why General Dwight Eisenhower, upon liberating the death camps, forced the locals to come out and see. Gazans, Palestinians, and much of the Islamic and Arab world, the UN and other leftists around the world, were and are morally complicit in the dehumanization of Jews and Israelis which led directly to October 7. Never again. No more.
Just as Germany paid for its crimes, the Gazans and the Palestinians must pay for theirs. Fool around. Find out. (Or words to that effect.) Let all enemies of Israel hear that, loud and clear.
Part of the payment is the destruction of Gaza, the price of aggression and of using civilians and homes, hospitals, and mosques as shields for attacks on “the Zionist entity.” Genocidal intent and actions by Hamas andGazans who carried out murders, rapes and the joyous carnage of October 7 must be punished in the harshest terms to deter repetition and send a clear message that attacks like these come with a painful price tag.
While Israel and the IDF are not perfect, they are unquestionably more careful and conscientious than any other army fighting under similar circumstances. More than the Americans in Word War 2, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya…. Shall we go on?
Israel has no apologies to make for this astonishing campaign, which has proceeded faster and more cleanly, above and below ground, than anybody had a right to expect. The Gazans who supported the aggression are getting what is coming to them. And any “innocent bystanders” are the victims not of Israel but of those who started this.
Israel left Gaza lock, stock and barrel in 2005. The Disengagement uprooted 10,000 Jews who had made the area prosper and bloom. Israel handed over the greenhouses, and the keys, to the Palestinian Authority, which the “innocent” civilians of Gaza proceeded to replace with Hamas, which then finished off the PA.
Gaza was meant to be a test of a “two-state solution.” Gaza was a mini-state that Hamas promptly turned into a rocket launching pad. Billions for civilian infrastructure were stolen and repurposed for building underground fortifications.
Now Biden and Blinken are trying to rewarm this old and discredited dish and serve it with the “temptation” of “integration” into the region.
Israeli might well ask: if this is the nature of the region, who wants to integrate? Better to retain and protect our citizens, maintaining and yes extending our sovereignty and integrity as needed to ensure our security and survivability as a nation-state and a society.
Israel has every right, and an obligation to its citizens, to create a demilitarized buffer in Gaza. How big, how long, these are debatable. So too is Israeli resettlement in the Strip.
Those who were expelled from Gush Katif in 2005 have every right to say: The two-state solution experiment was tried and it failed, spectacularly, and at a terrible price. Israeli security in Gaza before 2005 was far, far better than what followed.
Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice? No, thank you.
Israel has every reason to teach the lesson that Palestinian aggression leads to the loss of land and, yes, the loss of life. This is the price attackers of Israel can expect to pay. It will be a lesson not lost on Lebanon and in Judea and Samaria. Fool around? Find out!
Biden (should he ever remember the name of Israel’s adversary) and Blinken are pursuing a double game. While paying lip service to the toppling of Hamas, they are secretly working to ensure its rehabilitation and resurgence. Israel would be foolish to countenance this.
As Netanyahu has said, and eloquently repeated last night, the only alternative for Israel now is total crushing victory over Hamas. Israel will continue to act with discrimination to reduce civilian casualties. But it must not endanger its soldiers or strengthen its enemies in so doing.
Sorry that Biden and his puppeteers have an electoral problem, but that’s not Israel’s problem. Better to take our chances with the next president, not this lame, demented duck and his sanctimonious globalist minions inexplicably currying favor with Teheran.
No ceasefire. No two-state solution for the foreseeable future.
For now, Israel must do whatever it takes to crush its enemies so as to liquidate the Hamas leadership, in Gaza and in Qatar, and liberate its captives.
The sooner done, the lower the human cost. That’s what the Americans should help Israel do.
Biden may say that Netanyahu is a “bad f*cking guy.” He may call Trump a “sick f*ck.”
Israel, unlike Biden, remembers the name of its enemy and must not forget its existential aim: Win the f*cking war.